In Italy, there were organised 4 seminars, 4 face to face workshops and 2 practical experiences in Milan with a total participation of 60 people.

The seminars were organised in the following dates:

  • September: Online theoretical workshop: 18/9, 19/9. Practical experience: intensive theatre workshop 21/9 (Gruppo Elettrogeno di Bologna) and 22/9, 23/9 workshops related with sculpture in the darkness and Play Community 29/9
  • November: Online theoretical workshop: 8/11, 9/11 and Play Identity (19/11)

The contents of the workshops are the following:

Wishing – INTENSIVE THEATRE WORKSHOP – The workshop aims to develop and promote the artistic and social identity of each participant. At the center of the proposed work: affectivity, sexuality, the perception of what the body releases within desire.

 Travelling- SCULPTURE WORKSHOP WITH CLAY IN THE DARK – The tactile aspect in processing and observation is a fundamental element of the artistic experience of sculpture. The tactile exploration of each sculptural work reveals details that cannot be perceived with the sole use of sight.

PLAY IDENTITY – EXPERIENTIAL WORKSHOP ON METHOD – The workshop offers a stimulus to the creative activity of the artist, useful for the realization of a solo based on the “Pedagogy of Desire“.  The artists will be led in a path of artistic research, starting from personal suggestions and expressive urgencies, through the enhancement  of their “artistic doing” as a manifestation of their uniqueness. The method focuses on the theme of identity that becomes a narrative tool, and on the body as an expressive vehicle. 

PLAY COMMUNITY – EXPERIENTIAL THEATER WORKSHOP  – The theater as an after-work in peripheral communities for the training of concrete actors. The  objective is to encourage the formation, consolidation or reconstruction of a community through the ancient play of theater and the creation of community dramaturgy. The actor in Play Community is anyone who wants to communicate and be a witness of their life and the society they live, beyond the natural predisposition, commonly called talent, beyond academic canons, beyond personal and social barriers. The ultimate goal of Play Community is the drafting of a dramaturgy where the authors are the actors themselves, the community itself. One of the phases of the path is in fact the identification of a social, human, civil theme, on which we feel the need to reflect and study and that the community unanimously recognizes as necessary and current.